April-June 2018

Dear Praying Friends and Supporters,

Acts 1:8b and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.

In Recent Months

Happy Birthday Ezra!

God has been so gracious and merciful to our little family over the past few months! We were able to take a few days off as a family in April and Emeline started learning her fiddle. Over the last quarter we’ve seen needs provided, lives changed, prayers answered, and a physical touch for Ezra. Back in May, we had noticed that Ezra had been declining in health and progression. On May 16th we went in for Ezra’s physical therapy and feeding therapy appointments and while there, the physical therapist expressed concern for the swelling on Ezra’s head. Within two hours we were at the neurosurgeon’s office and the doctor was explaining to us that Ezra’s shunt was clogged and that he needed surgery first thing the next morning. This greatly caught us by surprise but it didn’t take God by surprise! The next day Ezra had surgery on his shunt once again, he did well and he has been a different baby ever since. In June, Sis Chloé and I celebrated our 6 year anniversary and in July, we celebrated Ezra’s 1st Birthday!

Ministry has been very exciting over the past three months as well! God has allowed us to be in five states and two countries, we were in 15 church meetings, a youth camp, two camp meetings, and a Jewish prophecy conference. We bless our sweet Lord for the sinners saved, the young man who surrendered to preach, and the lives surrendered to the service of our Lord over this past quarter of ministry!

Upcoming Meetings

Lord willing over the next three months we will be in 4 tent meetings, a youth camp, 7 church meetings, and an evangelistic outreach with a church planter in South Dakota. Please help us pray for the physical, mental, financial, and most importantly the spiritual needs over this quarter. If the Lord doesn’t touch our efforts and draw sinners our labors will be in vain! Oh, Lord send the power just now! #BlowWindBlow

International Meetings

The last week of June and the first week of July God allowed myself and two other young preachers, Bro Danny Markell and Bro Chase Aldridge, the opportunity to travel to Papua New Guinea to preach the Gospel at a youth camp, a national youth conference, a church revival, and multiple street meetings! During our time in PNG God allowed us to see 16 professions of faith, one young man surrender to preach, and many others surrender their lives to the Lord! Glory to the Lamb!!

Preaching in an open field in Goroka, PNG!

God continues to open up international doors to go and preach the Word of God! Lord willing our next trip will be in March of next year to work with Missionary Bro David Ballinger in Bequia, Saint Vincent and the Grendadines with several other international trips planned for next year as well. Please help me pray that God would touch Ezra’s health and allow my family to begin taking these trips with me and that God will continue to burden young preachers to go with us! My desire is to see God use these trips to call young men to the mission field! If you would like to see pictures and video from our recent PNG trip follow this link: https://www.facebook.com/chris.hewett.39/media_set?set=a.949193878992&type=3

Tent Ministry

The next three months is probably my favorite time of the year! Lord willing, during the month of August we will be holding Gospel tent meetings on our Western Evangelism Trip in Salem, Indiana, on an Indian reservation in Fort Thompson, South Dakota, and in Appleton, Minnesota! This is our 9th year in the tent ministry and I’m thrilled now more than ever to get to preach the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ underneath the tent! Please pray for souls, the drawing of the Holy Ghost, provision, and a great physical touch. We have three families and Bro Chase Aldridge traveling for 5 ½ weeks during these meetings and this type of rigorous schedule can take a great toll on us physically. Once we get back from out west we will be teaming with eight local Baptist churches in my hometown of Dallas, Ga for an area wide evangelistic tent meeting the first 3 weeks of September! Please make these meetings a matter of great prayer!

Bro Danny, Bro Chase, and I in Goroka, PNG!

Needs And Support

We want to praise God for several more churches and individuals who have taken us on during the last quarter! This puts us around 47% of the amount of support we are trying to raise. We couldn’t do what we do without the love, prayers, and support of God’s dear people!

Specific Needs

  1. June/July Papua New Guinea Trip-$1,300 still needed to take care of the trip
  2. Monthly Support
  3. Ezra as he progresses and develops physically
  4. A 1 Ton, diesel, dually, 4×4, truck. This would provide four wheel drive and better fuel economy than our current vehicle, which we purchased to put in the tent ministry once it is payed off. We are putting a lot of unnecessary wear and tear on it and we would like to get good use out of it in the tent ministry for years to come.
  5. Power and touch of God on our family and ministry! This is our greatest need!


Please help us pray over these needs! If you would like to give you can do so through our website at:


Or by mail at:

PO Box 5632

Fort Oglethorpe, Ga 30742


Please denote on the offering what the gift is for. More than anything, please lift us up in prayer! We want to do the Lords will!


Love In Christ,

The Hewett’s