July-September 2017

Prayer Letter July-September

Dear Praying Friends and Supporters,

1 Thessalonians 5:18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

In Recent Months
I am writing you all with a full heart and full hands! God has been so good to us over the last few months. Due to sister Chloe’s high risk pregnancy we have been off of the road, other than some Sunday meetings, since the third week of June. Originally we were going to hit the road again during the month of August but due to some unforeseen circumstances we didn’t get back on the road until September.
On July 3rd, while fireworks were going off over the Tennessee River, our son Christian Pate “Ezra” Hewett II was born at 9:05pm weighing in at 7lbs 4oz and 20.5 inches long! As we wrote in our last letter we knew that Ezra had several problems that would have to be dealt with immediately after birth. On July 5th Ezra went into surgery to close his spine. Our boy has a condition called myelomeningocele spina bifida and this surgery repaired his back. The doctors and physical therapists are telling us that Ezra should be able to walk and carry on a normal life with little to no assistance. We knew Ezra also had two other conditions called Hydrocephalus and Chiari II Malformation that would need to be addressed sooner or later. Unfortunately it would be sooner than later. On July 22 we took little man in to the ER at TC Thompson Children’s Hospital in Chattanooga. His head was swelling more and more and he was making sounds that sounded like a bad case of the croup. The next morning the doctors preformed emergency surgery to place an infant VP shunt to relieve the extra cerebrospinal fluid that had accumulated on Ezra’s brain. We thought this would resolve the problems he was having, but it was only temporary. After several more visits to the Neurosurgeon, it was decided that Ezra needed an adult sized shunt to keep up with the drainage of cerebrospinal fluid. On August 29 Ezra had the full shunt revision and since then he has been doing tremendous! God has truly blessed our little man!
After getting back on the road we’ve had a great time preaching God’s Word! During September we were with Bro Joe Darby and the folks at Old Pathway Baptist Church in Carrollton, Ga. What was only supposed to be a Sunday meeting ended up being extended all the way through Wednesday! We saw a strong moving amongst God’s people during that week! The next Sunday we were at New Hope Baptist Church in Walnut Cove, NC where Bro Travis Howard is pastor. From there we were at the Mt Carmel Baptist Campmeeting in Flat Rock, NC where Bro John Morgan is the moderator. We ended the month at the Glade Baptist Church in Rydal, Ga where Bro Kyle Coker is pastor. During the week at Glade we saw 9 precious souls saved! A young family on the verge of divorce came to every service at Glade and throughout the week the Mama and Daddy both were born again! God salvaged that family and we bless His name for it!

Upcoming Meetings
As I write this letter we are gearing up to head to Florida during the month of October. We enjoy our time in the sunshine state each year with God’s people! During the month of November we will be in a campmeeting in North Mississippi, a revival in Griffin, Ga, Sundays in various places, and then the Monday and Tuesday prior to Thanksgiving we will be in Lexington, NC. If you would like a more detailed view of our schedule please visit our website www.HewettsForRevival.com please pray for our travels and meetings and come and be with us when we’re close to you!

International Meetings
The Friday after Thanksgiving I will be flying to Papua New Guinea with a preacher friend to preach two different evangelistic meetings there. We are thrilled and honored to get to go preach Christ in the regions beyond! In the month of January I will be traveling back to PNG for a week to preach in a campmeeting for my missionary friend Bro Ben Andrews, The middle two weeks of March our whole family will be traveling to Bequia in the West Indies with Missionary Bro David Ballinger to preach tent meetings on the islands! Please be in much prayer for these meetings! Some of the people we will be preaching to during these meetings have more than likely, never heard the Gospel before! What an opportunity!

Tent Ministry
Due to our extended stay in Chattanooga we had to cancel our two tent meetings out west this past summer. We already have two tent meetings scheduled in South Dakota for 2018 and we’re currently working on another meeting in Wyoming. Please help us pray that God will continue to open the door for us to go into towns with local churches and preach the Gospel under the tent!

Needs and Support
As you have read over the next 5 months I will be out of the country for 5 1/2 weeks. If you would like to help financially for any of these meetings you can donate via our website or by mail/ our PO Box. Please denote that your donation is for “International Evangelism.” I don’t like asking for money but this money isn’t for me, it is for the furtherance of the Gospel! Please consider helping us. I would also like to ask each of you to help us pray for more monthly support. We greatly need this support to pay for our bills while we are doing international meetings and stateside meetings where the churches can’t take care of us financially. I have no doubt that God will continue to use His people to help support us while we go out preaching the Gospel! Please make this a matter of prayer.

On September 27th Sis Chloe celebrated her 30th Birthday! We threw a surprise party for her after service on Friday night of the Glade Revival. Happy Birthday Sweetheart!

Your Fellow Servants,
The Hewetts
Chris, Chloe, Emeline, and Ezra