Church Meetings

Our family has a desire to see true revival within the locals churches of America. The bulk of our meetings are held in these churches. It’s easy to see the apathy and carnality that is plaguing the body of Christ in our day. As a result of this we have a great burden to see believers come out of lukewarmness, homes restored, and churches become soul winning stations once again. We can still have revival today with the Lord’s help, fervent prayer, and through the preaching of God’s Word!

preaching of chris hewett preaching

Tent Ministry

We have been putting on Gospel tent meetings around the country since 2009. Our goal for this portion of ministry is to reach the lost outside of the church walls. Our tent team works together with local churches to host Evangelistic Tent meetings in their area. Our team comes in a week beforehand and leads the people of the local churches in knocking on doors, street preaching, and evangelizing. Evangelist Brian Davis and his family make up the other half of our tent team. Bro Brian is a full time evangelist out of the Denton, NC area and is working out of the Greater Vision Baptist Church. This is a spiritual, separated, and serving family that loves our Lord! We are pleased to be able to serve God together with this family